Thursday, April 12, 2012

Toning it Up via Twitter

What are we without our health? Without it, the perks and helpful tips of Social Media that we have grown so accustomed to may seem rather meaningless and unimportant. But what if we could use Social Media to our advantage and let it help to educate and inspire us? We can, as I have recently discovered. Though I am a Clothing and Textiles student,  I am interested and motivated by nutrition and think that every student should be-- no matter where their main area of study lies.

 I have never had any pressing health issues, never been over or underweight and have never really eaten that poorly; but what a lot of people do not understand is just because someone may be "skinny" definitely does not mean they are fit or even healthy. I was never one to workout very much, as I am not a huge fan of gyms and in the past, would not even know exactly what to do at the gym once I got there. Whenever I had a vacation coming up that would involve me wearing a bikini, I would do my routine Pilates DVDs and occasional meetings with the treadmill; however, I lacked consistency and motivation to workout all year round. Last year I took a nutrition class and that really opened my eyes to how important it is to not only avoid foods with no nutritional value, but to consume those that do. Since then I have been on the lookout for a program that would help constantly motivate me and educate me on exactly what I need to be doing to obtain and maintain my best body possible-- both inside and out.

It was only a few weeks ago that through a site similar to Pinterest, called We Heart It, I inadvertently found exactly what I have been looking for. There was a photo of two young women on a beach looking very happy and healthy in their bare-all bikinis. They caught my eye and I clicked on the photo which sent me to a Facebook page called "Tone It Up". Well who doesn't want to Tone It Up? I know I certainly do! By clicking through the profile and pictures, I learned that the two women in the picture were certified personal trainers and nutrition coaches working out of California, Katrina Hodgson and Karina Dawn. With a well thought-out nutrition plan and many workout videos, a tight-knit Tone It Up community has been established thanks to the two of them. Through accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as well as their own website, these two ladies act as personal trainers to women all around the world--virtual trainers! They are constantly re-tweeting and responding to their clients in a way that feels very personal and it is very obvious that Katrina and Karina care very much about each and every individual that commits to living life the Tone It Up way of life. Through all the Social Media devices they use, they provide an extremely thorough foundation for not just starting a diet, but beginning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Katrina and Karina of Tone It Up
What is so great about the Tone It Up community is that an ever-growing group of thousands of women are there to inspire and motivate each other every day, no matter what. Posting photos of meals from the nutrition plan or progress photos is just like having a workout buddy and I find that to be so essential when making the decision to get into shape. Katrina and Karina post numerous daily check-ins, asking their followers/subscribers/likers what they had for dinner, which workout they are planning on completing that day or even a motivational "Wherever you are, stop and do 50 lunges right now!" It is truly amazing how Social Media, just like we discussed so many times in class, has become a huge business card for the Tone It Up girls and so much more! The word is always spreading thanks to the efficiency and quickness of Twitter and Facebook. Only one day after I had "liked" their page on Facebook, two of my friends had seen this and decided to "like" them for themselves. 

Many people have their own way of keeping up with their health, whether it be going to the gym, walking their dog, attending yoga classes or going for a run. The thing I love most about the Tone It Up community is that there is something new every single day, whether it be a recipe or a workout, so I (and my muscles!) will never be bored with it. It isn't a coincidence that one form of social media (We Heart It) lead me to another, (Facebook), which lead me to yet another (Twitter) and another (YouTube)! All of these websites work so well together and all have their own unique advantages which all come together in a wonderful way. 

 A still from the making of their "Beach Babe DVD" in Oahu, Hawaii

Fellow Ales classmate Patrick Laska's blog discusses the important of Social Media outlets for food companies and how those who keep up-to-date when the digital age are likely to experience higher profits. This definitely goes hand-in-hand with my post today. Trainers at gyms may have to begin connecting to Facebook and Twitter in order to establish or maintain a following--otherwise they are at risk for being outshone by the likes of Katrina and Karina!

  The very popular "Protein Pancakes" from the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan

Image References:

Figure 1: Hodgson, Katrina, & Dawn, Karina. (2010). Turks & Caicos Gobeachfest (image). Retrieved from

Figure 2:  Hodgson, Katrina, & Dawn, Karina. (2012). Your toned in '12 challenge is here for tryit thursday :) (image). Retrieved from

Figure 3: Protein waffles. (2012). We love food friday: protein waffles!!! (image). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I can agree with you when you say that no matter what program your are taking in school nutrition needs to be an important part in one's daily life. Although I knew twitter is a means to keep in virtually constant contact I never before thought about using it as a way to inspire each other to achieve a common goal. This business model creates the feeling of a community through the use of social media which is key to the success of the business and followers. This is such an interesting story to me because if you think about it this would never have been possible before the development of social media, it just reinforces the fact that it will start to assist us in everyday situations especially in places we might not ever have expected it to. Thanks for sharing, I'm definitely going to go get some tips and pointers to get out of my usual workout routine!
